LIU Qian, Ph.D.,Associate Professor
Institute for Finance and Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics
Research Field:Household Environmental Behavior, Global Environmental Protection Cooperation,Energy-Water-Food Nexus,SustainableCities
Contact information:Tel: (86-10) 62288369
Fax: (86-10) 62288366
Address:Central University of Finance and Economics(CUFE), 39 South College Road, Beijing 100081, P. R. China
Education Background
Dec.2017-Dec.2018 |
Visiting Scholar, Max-Plank Institute Mainz,Germany |
Sep.2007-Jun.2009 |
PhD of Environmental Economics, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University Tianjin, China |
Sep.2003-Jun.2006 |
Master of Environmental Economicsl College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University Tianjin, China |
Sep.1999-Jun.2003 |
Bachelor of Institute of Environmental Science,Liaoning University Shenyang,China |
Work experience:
Oct.2013-Present,Research Institute of Finance and Economics, CUFE,AssociateProfessor
Jun.2009-Jun.2013,Research Institute of Finance and Economics, CUFE,AssistantProfessor
Academic Title
Member of Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative(http://www.scorai.org)
Member of GlobalResearch Forum on Sustainable Production and Consumption(http://grfscp.wordpress.com)
Anonymous reviewer of Journal of Cleaner Production,Applied Energy
1.2019 Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Science Planning Fund Project “Evolution of Global Climate FinancingSystemand China's Response”,2019-2021,Principle Investigator.
2. ISTIC-CLARIVATE ANALYTICS Open Laboratory Project, “International Collaborative Research on Food-Energy-Water Relationship (FEW-Nexus): Historical Evolution, Trend Forecasting and China's Role”, 2017/ 12-2018/12,Principle Investigator.
3. Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, “Study on the evaluation method of industrial layout development based on water environmental management policy”, 2018/02-2018/12, Principle Investigator.
4. China-ASEAN Environmental Protection Center Project, “Green Supply Chain: Policy Design and Implementing Mechanism”, 2017/05-2017/12,Principle Investigator.
5. Beijing Social Science Fund Project(12JGC084), “Research on the Voluntary Agreement Mechanism for Energy Saving and Emission Reduction in Beijing”, 2012/06-2014/06,Principle Investigator.
6. Humanities and Social Sciences Fund Project of the Ministry of Education(11YJC790114), “Research on China's Environmental Voluntary Agreement Policy and Practice”, 2011/08-2013/08, Principle Investigator.
7. Environmental and Economic Policy Research Center of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, “Research on Green Insurance Product Innovation and Incentive Mechanism”, 2012/05-2012/12, Principle Investigator
8. Center for Environmental and Economic Policy Research of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, “Research on Mechanism Innovation and Policy and Regulation System for Promoting the Development of Green Securities in China”, 2011/06-2011/12, Principle Investigator.
10. Central University of Finance and Economics 121 Talent Project Youth PhD Development Fund Project (QBJJJ201001), “Research on the Path of Ecological Civilization Consumption Model Based on the ‘Conservation and Expansion of Domestic Demand’ Paradox”, 2010/04, Principle Investigator.
11. Nankai University Circular Economy Research Center, “Tianjin Airport Logistics Processing Zone Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Circular Economy Plan”, 2010/03-2010/07,Principle Investigator.
Invited Talks:
2018 |
“Green Finance in China”, China-Zentrum, Hochschule Konstanz (Hochschule Konstanz für Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung), Konstanz, Germany, 23rdNov. |
2017 |
“Urban WEF-Nexus towards Sustainable Development: A Bibliometric Review”, 2017 International Conference on Smart Cities, Human Behavior and Sustainable Development, Beijing, China, 28thSep. |
2017 |
“Global Governance of Climate Financing”, the sixth invited lecture of the "Climate Change Economics" course, established by the Institute of Urban Development and Environment of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.Beijing, China, 21stNov. |
2017 |
keynote Speech: “Preliminary Study on Enterprise Carbon Asset Management”, “Study and Application of Key Technologies for Low Carbon and Clean Development of PetroChina” Major Science and Technology Special Symposium,Beijing,China,20thMar. |
2016 |
“2016 Chinese Climate Financing Report”, 2016 Climate Financing Report Conference, Beijing, China, 6thDec. |
2016 |
“Global Governance of Climate Finance”, China University Think Tank Forum, China, Shanghai, 25th Nov. |
2016 |
“Global Financial Innovation for Climate Change, The Bridge Tank Talk on Comprehensive Innovation in Climate Change, Marrakech, Morocco, 10thNov. |
2016 |
“Progress and Issues in China's Water Rights Trading——Based on Analysis of Expert Structured Research”, China's First Water Ecology Safety and Cooperation Conference, China, Beijing, 13thOct. |
2015 |
“2015 Chinese Climate Financing Report” on China Climate Finance Summit, China Pavilion at the UN Climate Change Conference, Paris, France, 9thDec. |
2015 |
“Progress and Issues in China's Water Rights Trading”,WorkshopofDeveloping Functioning Water Markets for Sustainable Water Markets for Sustainable Water Use: Australian Experiences and Implication for China's Water Reform, China, Beijing, 20thOct. |
2014 |
“Climate Financing Report: China Role in Transition”, China Green Investment and Financing Dialogue Platform Expert Seminar and Climate Finance High-Level Forum, China, Beijing, 12thApr. |
2014 |
“Factors influencing consumption consumption behaviors: a survey of the rural residents in China”, Workshop on Sustainable Consumption Research in China, China, Beijing, 25thNov. |
2014 |
“ The stock market response to the disclosure of environmental incidents in China: fan empirical research of 149 events”, The Second global GFR-SPaC Conference, Shanghai, China, 14thMay. |
Peer reviewed papers in English:
Xu Y,Liu Q,Cotter J. The Impacts of Environmental Risks on Bank Loan Covenants and the Cost of Bank Loans: an Australian Case Study and the Implications for China[C]//Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on E-Business and Applications. ACM, 2018: 36-40.
Wang P, Liu Q, Qi Y,Factors influencing sustainable consumption behaviors: a survey of the rural residents in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2014, 63: 152-165.
Liu Q, Yao W. The Status Quo and Developing Trend Analysis of Global Carbon Finance, Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment, 2011, 9(4): 34-41
Liu Q. A Multilevel Analysis of Determinants of Pro-Environmental Behavior (PEB) in China: A Case from Tianjin, 4th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE), 2010, Chengdu, P.R. China, 2010.06.18-06.20
Liu Q, Li H, Zuo X, et al. A survey and analysis on public awareness and performance for promoting circular economy in China: A case study from Tianjin, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2009, 17(2): 265-270
Peer reviewed papersIn Chinese:
WANG Huijuan, Zhao Xiujuan, Liu Yufang,Liu Qian.Study on the Impact of Environmental Deterioration on Residents' Protection Expenditure[J]. System Science and Mathematics. (Received on January 16, 2019)
XI Cen, Wang Wei, Liu Yifang,Liu Qian*. Investors' concern about the negative environmental events of listed companies and their market reactions[J]. Environmental Economic Research, 2018, 3(4): 46-70
Liu Qian, Zhang Yuan, Wang Yongsheng, Huang Daohan, Li Guijun*. Research Progress of Urban Water-Energy-Food Relationship (WEF-Nexus) ——A Review Based on Bibliometrics[J]. Urban Development Research, 2018, 25 (10): 4-17.
XU Yushuo,Liu Qian. Status and Prospects of Global Climate Adaptation Funds[J]. Journal of Central University of Finance and Economics, 2018, 8: 004.
Liu Qian, Wang Qiong, Wang Yao's Climate Financing in the Age of Paris Agreement: Global Progress, Governance Challenges and China's Countermeasures, China's Population, Resources and Environment [J], 2016.12.15, (12): 14~21
Liu Qian, Dong Ziyuan, Xu Yushuo. Research on payment mechanism of ecosystem services based on capital asset framework, Environmental Economic Research [J], 2016(02): 123~138
Liu Qian, Qiao Shuting, Wang Yao. Recent Developments in International Climate Funding Mechanism and China's Countermeasures, China Population Resources and Environment, 2015, 25(10): 30-38
Liu Qian, Wang Yao. Empirical Study on the Relationship between FDI, Export Trade and Carbon Emission in Emerging Market Countries, China Soft Science, 2012, 4:97-105
Liu Qian,Zhao Pusheng. Empirical Analysis and Comparative Study of Carbon Emissions and Economic Growth in Fifteen Major Carbon Emission Countries, Economic Issues Exploration, 2012, (2): 137-144
Liu Qian,Qin Zhihai. Transformation of Sustainable Consumption Patterns of Urban Residents--An Empirical Analysis Based on Six Cities, Soft Science, 2011, 25(12): 45-51
Liu Qian. Comprehensive Analysis of China's Residents' Consumption on Resources and Environment, Soft Science, 2010, 24(12): 64-69
Liu Qian, Wang Yao. Global Distribution of Carbon Finance and China's Countermeasures, China's Population Resources and Environment, 2010, 20(8): 64-69
Books in Chinese:
Liu Qian, Xu Shushuo, Luo Nan. Global Climate Financing System in Transition and China's Response; Climate Change Report (2018) [M]. Beijing, China Social Sciences Academic Press, 2018.
LIU Qian, Wang Yao, Lin Yuwei. Research on carbon finance mechanism supporting China's support for China's low carbon development[M]. Liaoning: Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Press, 2017. (This book was awarded the theme publication project of the National University Press of 2017 by the Ministry of Education)
Liu Qian, Wang Yao, 2017 China Climate Financing Report [M]. Beijing: China Financial Publishing Press, 2018
LIU Qian, Liu Yifang, Dong Ziyuan. Research on the Governance Mechanism and Application Path of Environmental Voluntary Agreement in China, Beijing: Economic Science Press. 2017
Liu Qian, Wang Yao translate into Chinese, written by Michael Curley (US), Finance Policy for Renewable Energy and a Sustainable Environment, published by Liaoning: Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Press, 2017. (This book is one of the series of "low-carbon think tank translation bundles" of the planning project, supported by the 2017 National Publishing Fund)
Wang Yao,Liu Qian, 2012 China Climate Financing Report: Climate Capital Flow Research, Beijing: Economic Science Press, 2013.
Liu Qian, Sustainable Consumption Supporting the Development of Low-carbon Economy-Based on the Perspective of Consumer Behavior[M], Beijing: Economic Science Press, 2010
Academic Supervision
MSc,Finance2014-2017:Thesis supervisionfor:
·Yikelamu Maimaiti[An analysis of the impact and mechanism of action of negative environmental events on stock returns inChina]
MSc,Finance2015-2018:Thesis supervisionfor:
·MaYubao[Research on volatility characteristics of China’s Carbon Pilot Market]
MSc,Regional Economics2016-2018:Thesis supervisionfor:
·Wen Xin[Study on the haze risk response behavior of residents in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and its influencing mechanism]
MSF, Finance2016-2018:Thesis supervisionfor:
Xi Cen[Market reaction and influencing factors of negative environmental events of listed companies——An integrated analysis of investors’ attention]
Postgraduate research innovation fund project of Central University of Finance and Economics, Environmental pollution expenditure and inequality of Chinese residents: a study based on the cost of family protection
MSF, Finance2017-2019:Thesis supervisionfor:
MSF, Finance2018-2020:Thesis supervisionfor:
ZhengYue, [Urban household water-energy correlation and its influencing factors---a case study of Beijing.]
Postgraduate research innovation fund project of Central University of Finance and Economics, Empirical study on the water-energy relationship in Beijing.