Lin Guangbin
School of Economics Professor
Institute of Finance & Economics Director
Central University of Finance & Economics (CUFE)
39 South College RD.
Haidian, BeiJing
Tel:(86 10)6228-8910
A.B. (History),Northwest University of China, 1995
M.A. (Economics),Northwest University of China,2001
Ph.D. (Economics),Renmin University of China,2005
Hou wailu History Fellowship, 1993
Study Fellowship, Northwest University, 1994
Chao yang Fellowship, Renmin University of China, 2003
Song tao Economics Research Fellowship, Renmin University of China, 2004
Teaching Prize, Central University of Finance Economics,2008
Teaching Prize, Beijing Government, 2009
Research Prize, Beijing Government, 2010
Academic Elite Award, China Review of Political Economy, 2012
Research Prize, Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, 2013
Teaching Prize, Beijing Government, 2013
The Distinguished Achievement Award in Political Economy for the Twenty-First Century,the World Association for Political Economy,2017
Research Prize, Beijing Government, 2019
Assistant Professor, Northwest University, 1995-2001
Assistant Professor of Economics,CUFE.,2005.7-2007.9
Associate Professor of Economics,CUFE.,2007.9-2012.9
Professor of Economics,CUFE.,2012.10-
Fellow, China Academy of Political economics, 2007
Fellow, China Academy of Foreign Economics Theory, 2010
School of Oriental and African Studies(SOAS), University of London,2012.1-2012.6
CRLT, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, 2012.8-2012.9
1. Lin Guangbin,“Five System Obstacles in the West Development of China”,Reform,No.2,2001, pp.76-80.
2. Lin Guangbin, “Social Hierarchy System and Problems of Agriculture, Countryside and Peasants”,Reform,No.2,2002, pp.107-111.
3. Lin Guangbin, “Social Hierarchy System and Countryside Finance Crisis”,She Hui Ke Xue Zhan Xian, No.1,2003, pp.93-105.
4. Lin Guangbin,“Hierarchy System, Market Economic and the Enlargement of Income Gap”,Management World,No.4 ,2004, pp.30-40,50.
5. Lin Guangbin,“Possible Solution to Solving the Problems of Agriculture, Countryside and Peasants”,Journal of Yunnan University ( Social Sciences Ediion),No.3,2004, pp.56-61
6. Lin Guangbin,“Summary of Researches on New Liberralism and New Dimensions of Research”,Teaching and Research,Vol.5,2005, pp.15-18.
7. Lin Guangbin,“On the Structure Arrangement of Marketing Strategy for Enterprises”,Journal of Guangxi University ( Social Sciences Ediion),No.3,2005, pp.56-61.
8. Lin Guangbin,“Problems and Their Countermeasures in the Development of Chinese County Economy”,Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics,No.6,2006, PP.72-75.
9. Lin Guangbin,“The Reform and development of the Pension System in the Worldwide”,Journal of Inner Mongolia Finance & Economics,No.6,2006,pp.72-77.
10. Lin Guangbin, “Reviewand Prospectof Agriculture, Countryside and Peasants in China”,Forumsof Central University of Finance & Economics ,No.1,2006, pp.142-158.
11.Jia LiJun,and Lin Guangbin,“The Structural Unemploymentin the China Market Economy”,Industrial Technology & Economics,No.6,2007,pp.5-8.
12.Zhu Hongtao and Lin Guangbin,“A Commentary on the Study of the Relations Between Citifying and the Development of Higher Education”,China Higher Education Research,No.4, 2006, pp.67-70.
13.Lin Guangbin, “What Will Continuously Increasing Interest Rate Effect on Insurance Industry”,The Chinese Bank,No.9, 2007, pp.90-92.
14. Lin Guangbin,“Research of Chile Pension System”,Research of The world Pension System,ChinaFinance & Economics publishing House,2007,pp.115-224.
15. Lin Guangbin and Zhang Sun “A Theoretical Survey of Executive Compensation, Firm Size and Firm Performance”,Contemporary Finance & Economics,No.6,2008,pp.125-129.
16. Lin Guangbin and Zhang Zhiming, “The Research of Catastrophe Index Option’s Priceing Methods”,Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics,No.8,2008, pp.57-61.
17. Lin Guangbin, “The Behalf Conflict of Countryside Land System In China”,New CountrysideNo.2, MinZu university of China press, 2008, pp.46-55.
18. Lin Guangbin, “The Opinion of China’s Economic Development and the Road in the Future”,Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics,No.2,2009, pp.51-56.
19.Lin Guangbin,“The Research of Building Catastrophe Insurance System with Chinese Characteristics”,Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics,No.8,2010, pp.80-84.
20.Lin Guangbin,“The Changes on Internal and External Conditions and Policy Choices of China Development Mode Changes”,Guang Ming Daily, Set. 14, 2010.
21.Lin Guangbin and Jia Xuefeng,“Exploration on Constructing Culture Quality-oriented Education for Financial University Students”,Educational Research, No.8, 2010,pp.102-104 .
21.Lin Guangbin,"The Change of the Interal and External Condition for the Change of Development Pattern in China and the policy Choice", China Business And Market, No.2, 2011,pp52-57.
22.Zhang Su and Lin Guangbin,“University and Economy: Analysis on the Basis of the Evolution of Social Division of Labor”,Educational Research, No.4, 2011,pp.85-90.
23.Lin Guangbin,"Market Economy and Soft Constrain--Reflection on Micro-Foundation of Market Economy",China Review of Political Economy,No.3, 2011,pp.106-127.
24.Lin Guangbin,“Reshape of China Economic Development Mode:Based on Demographic Structure and Pattern of Ownership”,Economic Theory and Business Management,No.4,2012,pp.24-32.
25.Lin Guangbin,“Reflections on the Microeconomic Basis for Soft Budget Constraint in the Market Economy”,China Economist,No.1,2012, pp.5-17.
26.Lin Guangbin,Zhang Su and Fan Binbin,“The Logic of University Students’Evaluation on Teaching Quality—Evidence From Investigation”,Educational Research,No.10, 2012,pp.93-98.
27.Lin Guangbin,“Reshape of China Economic Development Mode: Based on Industry structure”,Economic Theory and Business Management,,No.4, 2013,pp.92-102.
28.Lin Guangbin, “The Focus of Learning of University Education”, China University Teaching,No.12, 2013,pp.27-29.
29.Lin Guangbin, “China Is One of Founding Countries of Classical Political Economy”,China Review of Political Economy,No.5, 2015,pp.68-105.
30.Lin Guangbin,“What is China's Political Economy”,The Chinese Journal of Political Economy,No.6,2016, pp.52-57
31.Lin Guangbin, “ThePolitical Economy Logicof Fiscal Reform of China”,Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics,No.2,2016, pp.70-84.
32.Lin Guangbin, “China is the Founding Country of Financial Theory”,The Journal of Humanities,No.2,2016, pp.41-49
33.Lin Guangbinand Hong Yu,“Discussion and Analysis on Administrativization and Academicalization of Teaching Evaluation by Students”,Educational Research,No.8, 2016,pp.40-46.
34.Lin Guangbin, “Chinese culture is the source of China's political economy”,Guang Ming Daily,Jan. 10, 2017.
35.Lin Guangbin, “Re-understanding of Role of the Market and the Government in the Allocation of Resources—— What is the Relationship between the Market and the Government ?”Teaching and Research,No.3,2017, pp.12-21.
36.Lin Guangbin, “Chinese State Theory and the Innovation of Political Economy Theory System”, Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,No.6, 2017, pp.47-60.
37.Lin Guangbin, “Expanding the scale of doctoral Education and Building a powerful country in higher Education”, China Association for Higher Education Editor,“Higher education modernization, Proceedings of the 2017 International Forum on higher Education”, Beijing Institute of Technology Press,2017.
38.Lin Guangbin and Zheng Chuan, “Chinese Theory and Chinese Project of Agricultural Products Price Policy”,Review of Economy and Management,No.2, 2018, pp.33-50.
39.Lin Guangbin and Zheng Chuan, “Chinese Classical Theory and Chinese Classical Project of Agricultural Products Price Policy”.Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics,No.2,2018, pp.118-128.
40. Lin Guang bin and Tuo Zhichao, “Chinas comprehensive Balance Theory of National Economy”,China Review of Political Economy,No.2, 2019,pp.3-35.
41. Lin Guang bin and Xu Zhengjiang, The Political Economy and Analysis of the Cooperation Between Government and Enterprise in China”, Teaching and Research,No.9,2020, pp.15-25.
42. Lin Guang bin and Mu Lu, A Political and Economic Analysis of Government-managed City in China. China Review of Political Economy,No.1, 2021,pp.185-202.
43. Lin Guang bin and Che Guangye,The Political Economy Analysis of the Proportion of Central Fiscal Revenue. Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics,No.4,2021, pp.3-13.
“The Neo-Liberalist Theories and Policies of Privatization”, Renmin University,2005.
Lin Guangbin,“Financial structure and political pattern: Political and economic relations in China”, Ren min Press, 2018.
Lin Guangbin, “The Limited of Privatization Theory”, Economics Science Press, 2008.
Hou Huijun,Lin Guangbin, Lin Song, Zhang Su and Chen Gaosheng,“Blue Book of China University Entreprenuership Education, The Research of College Student Entreprenuership Education”, Economic Science Press, 2011.