Full name:FU, Qiang
AssociateProf. Dr.oftheInstitute ofFinance and Economics in the Central University of Finance and Economics(CUFE)
AssociateProf.Fu obtained his MA degree in economics at the University of Manchester and his PhD degree in econometrics at the University of Hull. His PhD thesis is entitled “Bayesian Multivariate Time Series Models for Forecasting European Macroeconomic Series”. In 1997, he obtained his postdoctoral position in the School of Computing, Engineering and Technology at the University of Sunderland and had worked, as a researcher, on an EU-funded software project forthedevelopment of supply chain management (SCM)systemin European small to medium sized companies forthreeyears. In 2000,Qiang joined Motorola andhad worked onthe development and validation of a decision support BTA tool based on BBNs for optimum software test management in the context of MATE(Motorola automatic test environment)under uncertainty fortwoand a half years.In February 2003,Qiangwas hired as Manager of Operations byPeking UniversityLuen Thai Center for Supply Chain System Research & Development, and had supervised more than eight research projects on the status of supply chainbehaviourin four critical sector studies of the Chinese economy. In July 2005,Qiangwas hired as Director of the newly established Waterloo-CUFE Industry Research Labfor Economic and Social Studiesin the Central University of Finance and Economics(CUFE), responsible for both overseeing administrative operations andcoordinatingthe work of technical professionals, including Principal Investigators and ResearchAssistants involved in the Lab’s various research projects.From July 2016 to June 2019, he was Deputy of the Institute of Finance and Economics,andwas mainly engaged in the teaching ofeconometrics, regional economics, logistics and supply chain management and related research work during this period. He is the winner of the first outstanding teacher award of CUFE. Since March 2022, he is an emeritus professor of the Institute of Finance and Economics participating the international projects as a distinguished expert.
Specialist areas
Solid knowledge of monetaryquantitativeanalysis, econometrics,Bayesian statistics, time-series analysis, regional economics,operational research,logistics and supply chain management. Have experience in financial emergency simulation, Bayesian belief network (BBN) modeling for a comprehensive evaluation index systemsuchas the one based on the sustainable use of land resources suitable for China's scenarios, andthedevelopment ofintegratedsupplychainmanagement (SCM)system (includingprocurement,inventory,productionplanning,warehousing,transportation and responsive Bayes multivariate sales forecasting) in European small to medium sized companies.
Tel.: + 8610 62288893
Mobile: 13521298236