Prof. dr. Bristar MingxingCao (曹明星)
CUFE China International Tax Center
CUFE Advanced Master Program of International Taxation
Beijing, China bristar@126.com
Bristar M.Cao is a PhD of tax law from the Peking University Law School; he is the Director of China International Tax Center (CITC) at the Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE). Bristar is organizing the Advanced Master Program of International Tax in China; he is the Secretary-General to the International Fiscal Association China Branch and the member representing China at the IFA Board of Supervisors / Executive Committee.
Bristar’s research areas inclues: international tax (law),fiscal &tax policy (law), economic law. Bristar is the chief editor of the Innovative Book Series on International Taxation by the China Tax Publishing House, the chief editor of the OBOR International Taxation Monitor by the China Financial Publishing House, and the chief editor of the China International Tax Review by the China Law Press.