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發布日期:2024年07月03日   浏覽次數:[]

2024年7月1日,韦德体育官方网站留學生Workshop(第9期)成功舉辦,來自國際經濟與貿易學院、管理科學與工程學院的留學生和我院留學生共同參與了本次活動。世界經濟學博士一年級學生Bayarmaa Adiya在工作坊上介紹了他參加第17屆國際風險管理會議的經曆。研讨會以Bayarmaa Adiya導師袁東教授的視頻緻辭開始,在随後的演講中,Bayarmaa Adiya彙報了題為“The Consequences of Basel III Requirements for Liquidity Horizon and It's Implication on Optimal Trading Strategy”的研究論文,然後簡要介紹了第17屆IRMC會議和他的米蘭之行。演講結束後,我院趙國欽老師就研究論文提出了建議,并進行了學生問答。随後,研讨會在熱烈的讨論中結束,與會者合影留念。


圖2:Bayarmaa Adiya進行學術報告



The 9th Student Workshop was held at IFER, CUFE.

On July 1st 2024, The Institute of Finance and Economic Research (IFER) hosted the 9th Student Workshop, Bayarmaa Adiya, a 1st year PhD student in World Economics presented a summary of his participation at the 17th International Risk Management Conference. The workshop started with an official video addressing made by our school’s prof. Yuan Dong and proceeded with the main presentation. In his first part of the presentation, Bayarmaa Adiya discussed the content of his research paper titled “The Consequences of Basel III Requirements for Liquidity Horizon and It's Implication on Optimal Trading Strategy”, followed by a short introduction of the 17th IRMC conference and his trip to Milan. After the presentation, our school’s deputy dean, Zhao Guoqin provided his insightful comments on the research paper, proceeded by Q&A session from students. The seminar concluded with a group photo of the participants of the seminar.

供稿:Bayarmaa Adiya 審核:趙國欽 編輯:王萌

