2024年11月1日,韦德体育官方网站留學生Workshop(第13期)成功舉辦。2024級世界經濟專業留學生博士生蘇安山Liv Soksan就“應對制裁時維持金融穩定的關鍵利率靈活性:俄羅斯銀行案例研究”這一主題進行了圓桌讨論,并與在場的本科、碩士和博士同學進行了深入分析。
On November 1, 2024, Mr. Liv Soksan, a Doctoral Student majoring in World Economics at the Institute of Finance and Economics of the Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), conducted roundtable discussions and provided advanced analysis to bachelor, master, and doctoral students on the topic of “The flexibility of key interest rates to maintain financial stability in response the sanctions: Case study of the Bank of Russia” at the invitation and suggestion of the Institute of Finance and Economics, the International Student Association and the International Exchange Club of the CUFE.
During the Workshop, Mr. Liv Soksan explained to the participants monetary policy at the basic and advanced levels based on his professional interests and his experience in Russia, leading to a grounded analysis among the participants. As for the practical part, he informed the participants about the causes and effects of the Western sanctions on many sectors of the Russian economy and logically offered solutions in the short, medium, and long run, partly relevant to the conflict history. Specifically, he employed the heated news of the world about the Russian government’s interest rate reforms to cope with the Russian ruble devaluation while balancing Russia's annual economic growth rate to avoid unexpected economic consequences. The Chinese and international audiences happily paid high attention to his explanation and analysis, reaching an in-depth understanding of the discussion topic.

供稿:蘇安山 王萌 審核:趙國欽 編輯:王萌