On April 18th, 2024, the Institute of Finance and Economics (IFE) hosted its seventh series of the ongoing economics workshop, tailored for international students to refine their research skills. Gifty Boakye-Boateng, a final-year Master’s student in Regional Economics, took the stage to present her academic paper.

Associate Professor Yan Haosheng initiated the event with an opening address, setting the tone for the day's discussions. Gifty delved into her paper titled "Evaluation of Youth Employment Programs in Ghana: Focusing on its Effectiveness in Mitigating Youth Unemployment." The presentation sparked lively exchanges during the question-and-answer sessions, where faculty and students alike offered valuable insights to enhance the paper's scholarly rigor.

A notable addition to the workshopisthe introduction of "Coffee Hour" and "Seminar" sessions. "Coffee Hour," scheduledeverytwoweekson Friday, will facilitate informal interactions between international students with faculty members, fostering academic guidance and program suggestions. Meanwhile, the "Seminar" offers a departure from the workshop format, focusing on helping “understand China's development and telling China’s Story”, journeyed through site visits, peer communications, and information sharing.
Overall, the IFE workshop provides an invaluable platform for student engagement, inquiry, and skill refinement. By providing a supportive learning environment, it seeks to elevate the educational experience of international students, fostering academic excellence.
2024年4月18日,韦德体育官方网站舉辦了留學生工作坊(第七期),這一工作坊為國際學生量身定制,以提高他們的研究技能。區域經濟學碩士研究生Gifty Boakye Boateng彙報了她的學術論文,闫昊生老師主持了本次留學生工作坊。
工作坊上,Gifty深入介紹了她的論文“Evaluation of Youth Employment Programs in Ghana: Focusing on its Effectiveness in Mitigating Youth Unemployment”,該報告在問答環節引發了熱烈的交流,師生們都提供了寶貴的見解,幫助演講者提高論文的學術嚴謹性。
在韦德体育官方网站留學生培養環節,将進一步引入“Coffee Hour”和“Seminar”環節。“Coffee Hour”安排在教學周雙周的周五,将促進國際學生與教職員工之間的非正式互動,促進學術指導和項目建議。同時,“Seminar”與工作坊形式不同,側重于幫助留學生”了解中國發展,講述中國故事”,通過調研、同行交流和信息共享進行。
供稿:Gifty Boakye-Boateng 闫昊生 翻譯:趙國欽 王萌 審核:趙國欽 編輯:王萌