Associate Professor,Doctor
Institute of Finance and Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE)
1.Education Background
Sep. 2004- Jun.2008
B. A. in finance,School of Finance,Renmin University of China
Sep.2008- Jun.2010
M. A. infinance,School of Finance, Renmin University of China
Sep. 2010- Jun.2013
Ph.D. in finance,School of Finance , Renmin University of China
2.Working Experience
July, 2003 to now,Institute of Finance and Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE)
3.Current position
Assistant to the President ofthe Institute of Finance and Economics,Central University of Finance and Economics
4.Academic part-time job
anonymous reviewer ofFinance & Trade Economics
anonymous reviewer ofFinancial Regulation Research
Research methods of regional economics
6.Research Interests
Province-Managing-County, Local Government Competition, Finance Theory and Economic Growth,FiscalDecentralization,Fiscal Transfer, Local Government Finance
7. Academic Achievements
(A)Published Papers
(1) Vertical Intergovernmental Fiscal Relation Reform and Grassroots-level Government's Finance Guarantee: Based on Quasi-natural Experimental Analysis,Finance & Trade Economics, 2019.
(2)How Does the Population Aging Affect Technology Innovation?The Journal of World Economy, 2017.
(3)The Influence of Multi-dimension Promotion Incentives on Local Government Borrowing Behavior, China Industrial Economics, 2017.
(4)The Vertical Management Structure in Finance, and the Functional Optimization in the Local Government: A Quasi-experiment Analysis Based on the Province that Directly Governs the County Fiscal System Reform, Management World, 2015.
(5)The Financial System of the Collaborative Development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei: A Framework Design, Reform, 2015.
(6) Does Province Directly Governing County Fiscal System Reform Improve livelihood Public Service?Economic Theory and Business Management, 2015.
(B)Published Books
(1)LocalSystem,LocalGovernmentExpenditureBehavior andInclusiveGrowth, Economic Science Press, 2017.
(2)A Study of National(Government)Balance Sheet(Participate in writing),ChinaDevelopmentPress,2015.
(3)Research onFinancialManagementReform of BeijingBasicEducation(Participate in writing),Economic Science Press, 2015.
(4)China'sGrassrootsFinancialReform andInstitutionalBuilding(Participate in writing),Economic Science Press, 2014.
(C)Research Projects
(1)In charge of the project “Research on theCompetitionMode ofLocalGovernmentBelowProvincialLevel:Nature and EconomicInfluence” funded by The National Natural ScienceYouthScience Foundation.
(2)In charge of the project “Study on theSystemDesign ofOptimizing theMode andStructure ofFinancialTransferPayment in Beijing”, funded by BeijingSocialScienceFoundation.
(3)Participated in the project “Study on theDesign ofExportTaxRebatePolicy forServiceTrade andItsEconomicEffect Under theBackground ofReplacingBusinessTax withValue-addedTax:AnalysisBased on CGE-MSModel”,funded by The National Natural ScienceYouthScience Foundation.
(4)Participated in the project “Research on theFiscalCooperationMechanismLeading theCoordinatedDevelopment ofPublicServices in Beijing,Tianjin andHebei”,funded by BeijingSocialScienceFoundation.
(5)Participated in the project,“Optimization of theAllocation ofCompulsoryEducationFinancialResources in Beijing:RealisticLogic andFrameworkDesign”, funded by Beijing Office of Education Science Planning.