Recently, the academic paperOpening up the “Black Box” of Audit Firms: The Effects of Audit Partner Ownership on Audit Adjustments, co-authored by our Accounting School Associate Professor Wang Chunfei, Professor Wu Xi and internationally renowned accounting scholar Professor Clive Lennox from University of Southern California, was published inJournal of Accounting Research(JAR), Vol 58, No. 5 (December 2020, pp. 1299-1341).(
Journal of Accounting Research, founded by the University of Chicago in 1963, is one of the top three international journals of Accounting, with acceptance rate for publication at 4% according to official statistics. Accounting faculty in our university started publishing in international journal from early 1990s and top ones from 2014.The publication of the research article by Professor Wang and Professor Wu in JAR makes further improvement on international reputation and academic influence of our Accounting subject.